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  • Where can I buy Tickets for 2023 Event?
    Tickets are available for sale on our website here.
  • I can't make it on all 3 days, can I book for one or two days only?
    1 day tickets will be available shortly.
  • I can't afford the ticket and need a concession, can you help?
    Currently, there are only early Bird tickets on sale. However as we are part of a registered charity, it is our policy never to turn people away due to lack of funding. Further details of supported and subsidised tickets will be available early in 2023
  • What are the terms and conditions?
    The 3PUK terms and conditions can be found here.
  • When and where is the conference being held?
    The 2023 3-Day conference is being held on 11th - 13th June and is being held fully online and virtually through this website.
  • What time does the conference start and when does it finish?
    Times for the events have not been announced at this time. Please check the Agenda and Schedule pages as we get closer to the event.
  • Can I or a friend watch online?
    Yes, all sessions are available live and recorded online.
  • English isn't my first language, I'm a little concerned I won't understand the conference?
    At the 2020 conference, we had attendees from 35 countries, including China, Israel, Greece, France, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Brazil to name but a few. So please don't worry, come and join us.
  • How do I keep in touch or connect with other attendees?
    We have created a Facebook group for you connect with other attendees. Perhaps you are interested in a ride share or just want to ask a few general questions. This group is for you. See the details here: . As this is Facebook, the usual disclaimers of social media, privacy and safety apply so you should be careful and not share personal information or details. Disclaimer: The user assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of this group. 3PUK accept no liability or responsibility to any person as a consequence of any reliance upon the information contained therein. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall anyone involved in creating or maintaining this group be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, or loss profits that result from its use.
  • What setup will I need to watch the conference online?
    We are planning to use zoom to host the sessions and each session will have its own zoom meeting room.​ See for more info and sign up to a free account.Although zoom can be run on any smart device, we recommend you use: A modern Mac, PC or Chromebook updated, running well with plenty of memory. If you are using a laptop, make sure you have it plugged into the mains. Zoom installed on your system, and updated to the latest version. A fully updated web browser - we recommend Chrome to access the site. A pair of Headphones with microphone connected to your computer A Web Cam connected to your computer A LAN cable connection to the internet (wifi is good, but not as reliable as a direct cable!)
  • I’ve forgotten my login password - what do I do?
    If you purchased a ticket before 5th May 2022, as we have moved over to a new site - your login details will also need to change. We will send out emails to those affected with instructions soon. If you purchased a ticket after 5th May 2022, click "Log in" from the top menu and select ‘Forgot password?’ then enter your email address you registered with, and we will send you a link to reset your password.
  • How do I watch/take part in the sessions on the day or on playback?
    To begin, you'll first need to login to your account (created when you purchased a ticket ). All live and recorded sessions will only be accessible through the conference website LIVE EVENT page. Before the start time of each session (live), a WATCH OR JOIN button will appear to the right of each session. This link will take you to the live session on zoom. If you are watching it after the start time, the link will take you to the recording of that session.
  • I'm fairly new to The 3 Principles or Innate Health, is the conference suitable for me?
    Yes!! the conference is structured in such a way that it accommodates and welcomes people with very little knowledge on the 3 Principles, whilst also being able to delve deeper for those with in-depth prior knowledge and experience.
  • What are The Three Principles?
    Three universal principles explain the thinking process: Mind, Consciousness and Thought. Simply put, Mind is the energy of life, the fact that we are alive. Thought is our ability to create forms or ideas from that energy. Consciousness is our ability to experience what we think as real. In other words, we are born thinking. We think our way through life. We see life through our thoughts as we go, and the quality of our thinking determines the quality of our lives (how we see things moment-to-moment). Awakening to those principles sets people free from attachment to the contents of any particular thinking with the knowledge that thoughts naturally come and go. It frees people to see their state of mind, their felt response to perceived reality, as an indicator of the moment-to-moment quality of their thinking. A stressed or negative feeling state or state of mind produces a low mood and increasing tension, a feeling of insecurity, or dis-ease. That feeling warns us to allow our thinking to quiet. As people learn to trust their state of mind as a guide through life, they catch themselves earlier and earlier in the process of insecure thinking that can lead to chronic stressful states of mind and worse. Recognising the signal to quiet down, people can leave negative thoughts alone and allow them to pass. As our minds quiet, our feelings change and our perceived reality changes. We naturally regain our ability to address life circumstances and challenges from a wiser, more optimistic and hopeful perspective. Once people recognize that Innate Health is constant and always accessible, they are able to navigate the ups and downs of their thinking without frightening themselves with their most negative thinking or deceiving themselves with their most positive thinking. We are able to be grateful in moments of exhilaration and graceful in moments of distress, and to experience the rich landscape of all our thinking as the gift of life. By Judy Sedgeman
  • What is Innate Health?
    Innate Health is the unrealised psychological aspect of our immune system. It is resiliency. It is as natural to us as the physical immune system that we count on to heal our cuts and bruises and fight off the flu. All people come into life with a natural ability to regain their psychological balance and sense of wellbeing. Our minds ordinarily work in a quiet, positive feeling as we express an innate intelligence that we experience and take for granted as wisdom, common sense and peace of mind. When we get caught up in negative thinking or struggle to fight upsetting thinking, we temporarily override or block our natural thinking and positive feelings and find ourselves lost or stuck in stress and distress. We can temporarily lose sight of our innate health. But we can never lose the ability to regain access to it and resume a constructive flow of present-moment thoughts to guide us through life. Innate Health is like the sun in the sky; it is not always visible to us, and sometimes after prolonged bad weather we may begin to think we might never see it again – but it is always there and we can count on it. No matter what we are doing, we are the thinkers creating our own experience of life as it happens. Although it is now widely understood that people’s thinking creates their perception of reality, it is not widely understood that recognizing the creative process that generates thinking holds the key to mental health and stability. There is a prevailing view that we live in an outside-in world in which people's thinking "happens" because of circumstances. Innate Health suggests an entirely different explanation of the relationship between thinking and experience, an inside-out view. Understanding how we think and that we think changes our relationship to what we think (the contents of our thoughts). Our experience of circumstances varies according to how we are holding and using our thinking, not according to the circumstances. As that understanding grows, it opens increasingly sustained access to innate health By Judy Sedgeman
  • What are the Benefits of the Three Principles or Innate Health?
    The objective of this approach is for people to experience their own potential for wellbeing. This will not eliminate the ups and downs of life but will reduce the degree to which people tend to be negatively affected by them. We teach people what they need to know in order to find not just contentment and wellbeing, but also the clarity and wisdom to resolve their own issues. Once our clients discover the resources that live within them, they are able to navigate themselves independently through the adversities they face in the future.
  • I've Been to Counselling Before, How is This Different?
    This is not about counselling rather for people who want to get the most out of life. The approach addresses similar issues to counselling but in a very different way. This approach does not take people into their pasts nor do we teach how to control or manage thinking, feelings, or behaviour. We feel none of these processes ultimately impacts a person's overall peace of mind. This approach uses an educational understanding through which people see the power behind human psychological functioning. This gives them the understanding to live their lives with more wellbeing, greater connection to others, and less struggle in the face of adversity. We believe people are born with their mental health completely intact and that they never lose the ability to realise peace of mind, regardless of factors such as external circumstance, past events, genetics, or personality.
  • I've Heard This Helped Someone Very Quickly, Is This True?
    There does not seem to be a direct relationship between how long a person has struggled or the degree to which they are struggling and how quickly they transcend that struggle and find their wellbeing. A person has the potential to change at any moment and it is therefore not constrained or limited by time or sessions attended.
  • How do I update my attendance preference for a 3-day ticket? (In-person or Online)
    Please email us at or fill out the contact form here.
  • How does the Corona Virus affect the conference?
    As you can imagine, we are monitoring the coronavirus in the UK and any potential impact on the conference. Our hearts go out to those who are ill and have lost loved ones.
  • What food & refreshments are available?
    We provide free tea and coffee (and water) throughout the day during every break. We ask you to bring your own flask/refillable cup if possible to save on waste. Additionally, as in previous years, we are working hard to ensure there are some food stalls available to provide lunches. However, we cannot guarantee any provision and therefore recommend that you bring your own food to ensure you don't go hungry!
  • Where can I stay nearby and how do I get to the venue?
    If you are looking for somewhere to stay during the conference, please see this link and book with our accommodation partner Event Express. We apologise for the limited options. Please also try the Premier Inn Edgware, where you can catch a bus from the station to the Stadium. If you need help with directions, public transport options or parking facilities, please see the Google Maps link here. If you are driving, there are 800 free car parking spaces on site.
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